Our purpose:
We work for the betterment of young people. We believe that changing the way of a young mind towards positivity will surely change their act. Teenagers are often regarded as rebels or helpless in some situations. We want to change that for real.
Giving voice to young people is one of our main reasons for this organisation to start. We want to benefit the young mind and mould them where they are genuinely independent and inclusive.
Our story:
We started working for the betterment of African children for a long time now. We realised a long time ago that the people in this continent lacks a voice. Moreover, only that can change their situation completely.
Furthermore, this is why we started with the youngsters to help them raise their voices. We preach louder for the girl child education. We have worked against child abuse for a long time now. And this is how we hope to make a change in the future of Africa.
What do we do?
Allforyouth.org focuses on the young people to bring a change for a bright future. We hope that our future will be as bright as it was hundreds of years ago. And this change is not possible without the youngsters.
Empowering fresh minds:
The first thing that a person needs is the right to express their voice and feelings. We have worked hard with several people to give them a chance to talk and say no. That is where empowering starts-expressing themselves.
Making a statement:
We encourage young people to live up to their potentials. So, we help them with every kind of assistance they might need both financially and mentally.
Standing against abuse:
We stand against every kind of child abuse. Children are supposed to be protected, and the very people who are supposed to protect them end up abusing them. Abusive behaviour cannot be justified, and it shall not be tolerated.
To sum up..
This is how allforyouth.org works for the betterment of society and the community. We live by our morals and hope to bring a change for real.